For organizations that want to engage
in sustainable development pathways

GPP – Sustainable and circular procurement

As Italian leader in GPP (Green Public Procurement) and green and circular procurement, we help organizations to introduce ecological and social criteria in procurement, reduce the environmental impacts of production, protect decent work along supply chains, ensure gender equality, improve risk management and promote eco-innovation.

Our activities in this area:

  • Definition and inclusion of Environmental and Social Criteria in public administration procurement
  • Action plans for green and circular procurement and GPP monitoring systems
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  • Help desk and on-the-job support services for the elaboration of green and sustainable calls
  • Training of procurement managers on Green Procurement
  • Mapping and evaluation of the sustainability of supply chains
  • Adoption of social and environmental criteria within the private companies’ direct and indirect purchases

CSR, stakeholder engagement, reporting and communication

We deal with social responsibility in organizations (CSR) through a strategic and organizational approach to create shared value, by placing sustainability and responsibility at the center of both the organization and its suppliers’ action, thanks to the mutuality of benefits.

We take care of:

  • Management of potential risks affecting the ability to generate wealth in the medium and long term
  • Organizational, process and product innovation



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Adoption of sustainability as a strategic and operational criterion for the company

  • Improvement of the organizational capacities, relations with internal and external communities, and the ability to attraction talents
  • Improving the relationship with the territory and local communities with Stakeholder Engagement projects
  • Improving medium and long-term reputation

Fondazione Ecosistemi has a consolidated experience in stakeholder engagement activity that it carries out through:

  • Mapping of stakeholders
  • Stakeholder engagement planning
  • Use of participatory methodologies (Open Space Technology, Party, Vision Fair, World Cafè, Proaction Cafè)
  • Engagement activities with active listening, participatory design and conflict transformation
  • Monitoring of stakeholder engagement activities
  • Institutional Relations
  • Relationship with the Media

We develop, for several organizations – in line with the provisions of Law 254/2016 that introduces for  institutions of public interest the obligation of non-financial reporting – a Sustainability Reporting (GRI Standard). We develop strategies and actions for environmental communication and for the improvement of reputation in the field of sustainability.

DNSH, sustainable production and finance

We support organizations and financial operators to equip themselves with tools to improve their sustainability performances in line with the environmental taxonomy criteria and in fully implementing and verifying the guidelines for not causing significant harm to the environment (DNSH – Do Not Significant Harm).

Our work concerns:

  • Environmental and sustainability audits and assessments
  • Environmental and energy management systems
  • Checklist for environmental taxonomy criteria
  • DNSH Approach Compliance Assessment
  • Sustainability reporting
  • Improvement measures


Spatial planning and local development

We work alongside companies, institutions and social partners to:

  • Converting existing economic activities, jobs and professions (Green Jobs) towards ecological and social sustainability
  • Develop green communities through local plans, policy food and sustainable tourism plans
  • Design sustainable production areas, production chains and “zero waste and zero emissions” eco-districts
  • Converting economies and territories towards sustainability
  • Defining and developing sustainability-oriented territorial and area brands


Capacity building and training for sustainability

We bring sustainability into the lives of people and organisations by addressing the risks that this choice entails. Our operations involve the active and generative involvement of people, organizations, institutions and territories through the main methods of participation in change (Open Space Technology, Party, Vision Fair, World Café, Proaction Café).
We have a long experience of technical assistance for sustainability, which includes systematic supporting actions, from training on the job to training activities, from awareness raising to environmental education, from help desk services to specialized technical laboratories, from the management of participatory processes to communication.


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Every year we train hundreds of people on the values and tools for sustainability, on the new environmental professions, on the qualifications necessary for green jobs, to promote changes that are indispensable today. We accompany them in their personal growth, starting from the social, environmental and territorial identity of the organizations in which they work.


Forum Compraverde Buygreen

Since 2007, Fondazione Ecosistemi organises the most important European event on GPP, In partnership with the Ministry for Ecological Transition, Regione Lazio, Legambiente, Confindustria, Unioncamere, ALI, Fairtrade Italia, Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane.

Two days of Green Procurement General Assembly to discuss legislative innovations, national and international best practices, green procurement opportunities through conferences, workshops, training sessions, one-to-one exchanges and other participatory initiatives. As a meeting place for partners, suppliers and potential new qualified customers with specific interests in the sector the Forum promotes design and commercial relations through: the Conference Area, the GPP Academy training space, the participatory spaces We ChangeWe Network and the Buygreen Community.

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At the Compraverde Buygreen Fondazione Ecosistemi, presents two important annual reports:


  • The Report “ The Green Public Procurement numbers in Italy” produced by Osservatorio Appalti Verdi that Fondazione Ecosistemi has established, together with Legambiente, for the dissemination and correct application of the current regulations on Green Public Procurement, in Italy and in Europe.
  • The Sustainability Monitor Report, an annual survey on the sustainability of supply chains. This report is carried out in collaboration with the Buygreen Community, a network of public companies united by the aim of promoting Green Procurement and the Green Value Chain.