Compraverde Buygreen Awards 2023: Italian excellences on Green Public Procurement

18 May 2023

The 17th edition of the Forum Compraverde Buygreen, promoted by Fondazione Ecosistemi, presented the Compraverde Buygreen Award: the only award in Italy dedicated to the best Italian GPP experiences. Conceived by Fondazione Ecosistemi, the Compraverde Award was created in 2008 with the aim of highlighting the importance of the commitment to comply with the application of minimum environmental criteria for true sustainability, on green canteens and related food education, on the zero kilometre supply chain, on proper waste cycle management, on green choices and energy efficiency, from sustainable mobility to tourism based on the circular economy to CO2 reduction.

This year’s edition saw the best experiences awarded in the sections: Cultura in Verde (Culture in Green), GPP Policy, Mensa Verde (Green Canteen), Social Procurement, Vendor Rating and Sustainable Procurement. Below are all the award winners with the motivations.

For the Cultura in Verde (Culture in Green) Section the prize was shared ex aequo between the Mantua Literature Festival for the event’s continuous and renewed commitment to sustainability. Through the calculation of its carbon footprint, in the 2021 edition it has paid particular attention to sustainable mobility by promoting and perfecting an articulated system of cycle-pedestrian mobility, flanked and supplemented by the support of public transport; and Santarcangelo Festival for its “Presente sostenibile” project, which is committed to minimising the impact of the Festival and invites all those involved to behave responsibly.

Mention Cultura in Verde (Culture in Green) for Sardegna Film Commission for its constant efforts to promote green productions on the island and to communicate the importance of a film-television-audiovisual sector that is increasingly sustainable from an environmental, social and economic point of view; and Tones Teatro Natura for being a virtuous example of how a critical area can become an economic, social and cultural lever for a fragile territory by focusing on culture and sustainability as a driver for economic and social development.

For the GPP Policy Section, a prize was awarded to the Metropolitan City of Milan for having fully integrated green procurement into its activities, for having implemented staff training and stakeholder awareness-raising actions, and for having carried out significant purchasing procedures with environmental and social criteria and periodically monitored the application of CAM.

GPP Policy Mention to the Municipality of Rome for systemising the initiatives and purchases with reduced environmental impact already partly implemented by the individual Municipalities and City Departments and for having set ambitious, detailed and effective targets through the recent approval of a council memorandum on green procurement that will commit it in the coming years to achieve 100% GPP.

Green Award Section, special mention for the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) for the particular attention paid to the verification and control phases of the service during the contractual execution phase and for the additional points awarded for the inspection reporting system towards the client; and for Ecocerved Scarl for having emphasised the criteria on the disassemblability of products, maintainability and durability of components, allowing the possibility of replacing any worn and damaged parts, and enabling the reuse, recycling and recovery of the various elements.

Green Canteen Section, the award went to Qualità e Servizi Spa for implementing a completely innovative service, for being a model of a participatory company that implements a service of excellence in such an important and delicate area for communities as the school canteen food service.

Green Canteen Mention to the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) for the correctness in the application of CAM and the environmental commitment through the implementation of a Management System aimed at minimising the environmental impacts of its infrastructures and guaranteeing the minimisation of its own impacts along the entire supply chain; and to DSU Toscana (Azienda Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario – Regional Agency for the Right to University Study) for the ability to renew itself over the years in relation to the construction of the food offer in university canteens. A commitment pursued through the revision of the new food offer, achieved thanks to the training of operators with specific courses on innovative cooking techniques introducing new recipes for the composition of new menus.

In the Social Procurement section, the Lazio Region was awarded for the integration of innovative social criteria, for the promotion of gender mainstreaming and the participation of young people in the labour market in line with the most ambitious European policies in this field.

For the Vendor Rating and Sustainable Procurement Section award to CAP Holding S.p.A. for formalising a complete vendor rating system that is highly integrated with other company policies, capable of impacting the Group’s sustainability performance and orienting its suppliers towards fair, inclusive and low environmental impact business models.

The  Forum Compraverde Buygreen is promoted by Fondazione Ecosistemi with the patronage and participation of the Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security, the Lazio Region and Roma Capitale in partnership with Legambiente, Agende 21 Locali Italiane, Confindustria, ALI – Autonomie Locali Italiane, Fairtrade, Confcooperative Lavoro e Servizi.

The events will be streamed on


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