Offering sustainable strategies and solutions
to territories and people


proCURE is a european project whose main objective is the long-term implementation of sustainable joint procurement in small and medium-sized municipalities. The public sector and local authorities in particular are key purchasers. SDG 12 on sustainable consumption and production emphasises the importance of sustainable public procurement for achieving the set goals.
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Procura+, European Sustainable Procurement Network

Fondazione Ecosistemi is the Italian contact for the Procura+, an international network for the promotion of sustainable public procurement, initiated and coordinated by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability to support public authorities in implementing sustainable procurement and promoting its results.
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Buy Better Food

Buy Better Food is a European advocacy campaign which focuses on public food procurement as main driver of food system transformation towards a sustainable, healthy and fair food system in the European Union, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the EU Farm to Fork Strategy.
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SchoolFood4Change (SF4C)

SchoolFood4Change (SF4C) will create a shift to both sustainable and healthy diets on a broad societal scale by directly impacting over 3,000 schools and 600,000 school children in 12 EU countries, providing a replicable good practice across the EU and beyond. All children go to school and are vulnerable to diet-related conditions and disadvantaged environments.
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RE-Plan City Life

Re-Plan City Life project (RElevant Audience Plan Leading to Awareness Network for CIrcular Economy Use of Recycled TYre materials in city LIFE) aims to raise awareness about the Circular Economy opportunities for Materials, Products and applications obtained from tyre recycling to adopt environmentally friendly behavior and practice in urban communities.
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(e)mission (im)possible

(e)mission (im)possible is a project co-funded by the European programme ERASMUS KA2 Strategic Partnership - Development of innovation, which aims to build climate leadership in development cooperation organisations by promoting and strengthening competencies that make it possible to transform their actions and projects in a "zero emissions" key.
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Institutional relations, integrated territorial promotion, community and media relations for Terna S.p.A.

The project, which includes several activities coordinated by a multidisciplinary team, aims to improve the company's reputational positioning and to accompany the implementation of the works while generating minimal or no social conflict or environmental impact.
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MATES – Managers for Sustainable Transition

MATES – Managers for the Sustainable Transition is a project funded by Fondirigenti and carried out by SFC – Confindustria Training Systems, in partnership with Fondazione Ecosistemi and Ecole. The project will analyse how environmental and sustainability policies are defined and implemented in enterprises.
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GPP Guidelines

Fondazione Ecosistemi wrote the Guidelines for the correct application of the Minimum Environmental Criteria and for monitoring contract executions on behalf of Liguria Research and the Liguria Region. A useful tool that contributes to the improvement of the environmental performance of supplies and services procured by the Liguria Region.
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Memorandum of Understanding for the GPP implementation in Metropolitan Cities

Fondazione Ecosistemi has created an animation process within the Network of the Italian Metropolitan Cities, on behalf of the Metropolitan City of Turin, which is promoter of the Protocol and coordinator of the Joint Committee. In 2017 the Network signed the Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of the GPP.
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CREIAMO PA: Technical and specialist assistance in the area of GREEN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT, it arises from the need to overcome government criticalities in environmental policies and accompany the parties in charge in dealing with the changes introduced by the reforms in progress, combining the principles of protection and preservation with those of development and competitiveness.
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Impact Pacts

"Impact Pacts" is a project managed by the Social Cooperative "Il Cammino" in collaboration with Fondazione Ecosistemi and a broad partnership between educational institutions and social cooperatives. The project involves schools and families in some peripheral territories of Roma Capitale.
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Report on the environmental sustainability of Italian companies

"The sustainability of businesses and the new frontier of green procurement" is a survey conducted by Unioncamere with the Ministry of the Environment with the scientific support ofFondazione Ecosistemi and the technical support of Infocamere and the Guglielmo Tagliacarne Foundation.
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The Green Procurement Observatory

Fondazione Ecosistemi and Legambiente Foundation have established the Green Procurement Observatory with the aim of monitoring the activity of the public administration on the theme of Green Public Procurement and Minimum Environmental Criteria. Italy 2018-2019.
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Circular Economy Sustaining Tools (CEST)

As part of the Social Challenges Innovation Platform project, Fondazione Ecosistemi together with the ISNET Association has responded to the "New life to products" challenge launched by the Habitat for Humanity Poland Foundation. Italy – Abroad 2018-2019.
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Green Public Procurement and Sustainability Tools for Resource Efficiency Mainstreaming – is a project funded by the European Commission under the Interreg Europe programme. The aim of the project is to integrate the GPP into EU-funded programmes (Structural Funds) and other sector plans and programmes. Italy – Abroad 2018-2022.
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