Monitoring of Green Public Procurement
in support of the ecological transition

The numbers of the Green Public Procurement

Report produced by Osservatorio Appalti Verdi set up by Legambiente and Fondazione Ecosistemi for the dissemination and correct application of current regulations on Green Public Procurement, in Italy and in Europe.

Sustainability Monitor Report

Report on the sustainability of supply chains produced by Fondazione Ecosistemi together with the Buygreen Community, a network of public companies with the aim of promoting Green Procurement and the Green Value Chain.

We Green - Products and services for sustainable events

The We Green catalog is dedicated to sustainability-oriented companies that create green products and services to support events.

Vademecum DNSH

Indicazioni operative per l’applicazione del principio di non arrecare danno significativo all’ambiente nei progetti pubblici PNRR.

Quaderno operativo 4
Ambito Raccolta rifiuti, trattamento acque reflue e pozzi di assorbimento del carbonio

Vademecum DNSH

Indicazioni operative per l’applicazione del principio di non arrecare danno significativo all’ambiente nei progetti pubblici PNRR.

Quaderno operativo 3
Ambito Strade, trasporti e mobilità sostenibile


Vademecum DNSH

Indicazioni operative per l’applicazione del principio di non arrecare danno significativo all’ambiente nei progetti pubblici PNRR.

Quaderno operativo 2
Ambito Impianti



Vademecum DNSH

Indicazioni operative per l’applicazione del principio di non arrecare danno significativo all’ambiente nei progetti pubblici PNRR.

Quaderno operativo 1
Ambito edilizia e cantieristica


Biolubricants: characteristics, benefits, perspectives

The first dossier on biolubricants with the numbers of the potential market, the environmental and social benefits, the prospects related to Green Public Procurement, the technical characteristics that recommend their adoption.