Fondazione Ecosistemi has created an animation process within the Network of the Italian Metropolitan Cities, on behalf of the Metropolitan City of Turin, which is promoter of the Protocol and coordinator of the Joint Committee. In 2017 the Network signed the Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of the GPP.
Report on the environmental sustainability of Italian companies
“The sustainability of businesses and the new frontier of green procurement” is a survey conducted by Unioncamere with the Ministry of the Environment with the scientific support ofFondazione Ecosistemi and the technical support of Infocamere and the Guglielmo Tagliacarne Foundation.
The Green Procurement Observatory
Fondazione Ecosistemi and Legambiente Foundation have established the Green Procurement Observatory with the aim of monitoring the activity of the public administration on the theme of Green Public Procurement and Minimum Environmental Criteria. Italy 2018-2019.